
+++ Montag 10.04.2017, 20:30 Uhr:
Theater Rampe, Filderstrasse 47, Stuttgart

Musikspielfilm: Akounak Tedalat Taha Tazoughai
"Rain the Color of Blue with a Little Red in It."
Niger 2015 / 75 Minuten / OmeU

„The first ever Tuareg language fictional film, based on the legendary rock-u-drama “Purple Rain,” Akounak or “Rain the Color Blue with a Little Red in it” explores the world of a musician trying to succeed in the raucous subculture of the Niger guitar scene. The protagonist, real life musician Mdou Moctar, must battle fierce competition from jealous musicians, overcome family conflicts, endure the trials of love, and overcome his biggest rival – himself.(…)“ (Sahel Sounds)

Drehbuch und Regie von Christopher Kirkley, der das Projekt Sahel Sounds leitet, eine Plattform, die sich mit Kunst und Musik aus Westafrika beschäftigt.